MSM Canceled Series: Week 1

Love People Who Aren’t Like Us

Passage: John 4:5-13; Ephesians 2:14

Big takeaways:

Building a Wall

  • Samaritan Woman has a wall built from her community and the Jews
  • We have walls built by:
  • Seeing how we are different from others
  • We have been hurt before, so we create walls
  • We don’t want people to see the real us

Breaking Walls

  • Jesus broke the wall built by inviting the Samaritan woman
  • We can break down the wall by inviting other

We love people who aren't like you by simply reaching out and talking to them

3 Questions:

  • How did Jesus break through the wall?
  • Who is one family we could talk to this week? 
  • How could we as a family reach out to these families?


  • Have dinner or lunch with one family in your neighborhood that you have never met before.