MSM Canceled Series - Week 2

Canceled - Love People Who Mistreat Us

Passage: Matthew 5:43-48

Big takeaways:

  • How do we love people who mistreat us?
  • We must know neighbors are the people that mistreat us too
  • We must choose, are we going to be like everyone else and mistreat or are we going to act like our heavenly father and allow love to grow in mistreatment?
  • When someone mistreats us we react by repaying evil with love and prayer

Three Questions:

  • How do people usually respond when they are mistreated?
  • Who should we respond to people who mistreat us? What are some ways we can respond to these people?
  • Who is someone that we could pray for as a family? 


  • Pray a blessing as a family for different people who have mistreated you and your kids in the past.