MSM Canceled Series - Week 3

Canceled - Love people who are in need

Passage: Luke 8:40-48

Big takeaways:

  • How do we care for those in need? Jesus...
  • Slows down in the swarm of people (he looked up in the crowd)
  • Stops everything to see her
  • Serves her in this situation
  • We care for people by slowing down, seeing them, and serving their needs

Three Questions:

  • How did Jesus care for those in need? 
  • How can we help someone in need as a family? (Neighbors or each other)
  • How can we serve within the church together? (High Five, MSM, BRAVE Kids, or pack a backpack and bring it to MSM)


  • We are trying to collect 300 backpacks by the end of the summer to give to kids around our neighborhood. As a family, pick out a backpack and fill it with school supplies.
  • Make a dish or dessert as a family and bring it to one of your neighbors.