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We Need Your Help This Easter

Mar 16, 2021
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Hey guys. Pastor Jeff here. And just wanted to let you know, as Easter is approaching very quickly, all the things that are going to be taking place through the ministries of Brave Church. First of all, on Good Friday, we will be having two identical services here on our Inglewood campus. One at 6 PM, one at 7:30 PM. Please come we're in black or dark clothes. We believe that it's a great time for us to celebrate and commemorate the death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also want to let you know on Easter, we will be at Bandimere Speedway.

On April 4th, Sunday morning, 10:00 for one service. Please invite all your friends. We believe it's going to be an awesome time to share the word and to see many people receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior. Want to let you know that we need your help. You can help us by signing up and being a volunteer at Bandimere that day. We need all hands on deck to pull this off.

Also if you'd be willing to make a generous contribution, in addition to your regular offering to our Easter outreach, which you can put in the memo of your check or give online, that would be extremely helpful to us as well. And most importantly, let's pray for great weather. We believe that the Lord is going to do great and mighty things among us as we take a step of faith, and we are trusting him. We believe through this church, God is going to reach many people with the gospel. And so we are looking forward to that. Know this... It's going to be a great time and know this also that you are loved.