BRAVE Young Adults


Helping young adults become Kingdom warriors.

BRAVE Young Adults (ages 18-25) gathers at the Englewood campus each Tuesday at 6:30pm with the goal of being a community of disciples who are seeking to make disciples. Jesus modeled a discipleship culture that was much deeper than just friendship and led to young men and women experiencing life transformation in and through them in their communities. We want the same here at BRAVE Young Adults. We strive to be a community of young men and women who are BOLD in their faith, RESOLUTE in our identity in Christ, AUTHENTIC in community, VIRTUOUS in our character, and ENGAGED in mission in our world. To do this, we are committed to discipleship communities that are rooted in growing in prayer, worship, Word, and seeking to proclaim the Gospel in our community through our lives. 

Small groups are gender-specific and geared towards multiplication. Jesus does not desire for us to have "holy huddles" simply for our benefit and care but instead invites us to community rooted on serving one another and using the gifts He has given us for the sake of building one another up and reaching the world through us. Small groups then are more than friend groups, they are places of transformation and empowerment for the purpose of ministry. You will be known by your group and encouraged to grow and step out in faith to be used by Him wherever the Lord has you. 

Upcoming Young Adult Meetings

Young Adults
Jul 16 at 6:30 PM
YA 3rd Tuesday Prayer & Worship

Jul 17 at 6:30 PM
Meets every Wednesday evening

Jul 17 at 6:30 PM
Meets every Wednesday evening

Jul 24 at 6:30 PM
Meets every Wednesday evening

Jul 24 at 6:30 PM
Meets every Wednesday evening

YA Hike & Devo
Jul 27 at 9:00 AM

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Upcoming Events & Announcements

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Meeting Times & Locations



3800 E Hampden Pl
Englewood, CO 80113-4238

 Tuesdays at 6:30pm

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What to expect

Experience the fullness of Jesus Christ alongside in community with fellow young adults.

Experience Christ

Everything we do at Young Adults revolves around the goal of experiencing the fullness of Jesus Christ in our lives. Through all that we do, whether that be weekly gatherings, mission trips, BRAVE Young Adult groups, the goal is ultimately to know Jesus more and experience more of His presence and power in our lives.

Enjoy Community

The path of authentic discipleship is a lifetime transformational journey of following Jesus Christ, but you are not supposed to go about it alone. BRAVE Groups is the best step to enjoy community as it's our ultimate hope for you to meet men and women who can walk alongside you as friends and support you to help you grow in your walk with Jesus.

Engage In Calling

Every believer in Christ has been uniquely given spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ. We want to walk with you in helping you discover those gifts and see the ways God wants to use you to impact the world around you right here and now. We believe that if you go after Jesus with everything you have, the world around you will take notice, and we will see the world changed through you.

Serve With The Young Adults Team

If you want to serve in the Young Adult ministry whether you have a passion to lead worship, help run sound and lights, or want to walk alongside as a group leader, we have a place for you.

Sign up to serve

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