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Volunteer Spotlight: Michelle Chandler



Do you get excited about making disciples and planting seeds for the next generation? Then you should meet Michelle Chandler. She is the Kindergarten/1st Grade team lead for our BRAVE Kids ministry at the Englewood campus.

Michelle is married to her husband, Scott, and has been a homeschool mom for over twenty years. Together, they have five kids (three grown, two teens), and a beagle named Rueger. Some of her favorite pastimes include reading, golfing, travel, and the most recent addition: fly fishing. She says she is very excited to have grandkids someday! In the meantime, she shares her gift of teaching with the youngest members of our church body.

“No matter how old or how young. Ministry is always around us, to love and encourage and serve one another.”

"It's a huge blessing to serve with BRAVE Kids. It brings me joy to serve and see the smiles of parents and children. Spiritually, it feeds me." One of the added benefits is her personal growth while preparing for the weekly lesson. Even though the material is targeted at kids, she always learns something because God's word is living and active while being age-appropriate. She has also been surprised at how easy it is to help. From the organized check-in system to the worship, curriculum, and technology in the classroom, you're set up for success every time.

Michelle encourages anyone with a love for children, God's Word, and serving His church to get involved with BRAVE Kids. "It's one of the easiest yet most fulfilling ways to make disciples. I love knowing that I can have fun and be goofy yet effectively teach children the Word of God. They exemplify a child-like faith more than anyone I know. We're planting seeds early! These little ones are the next generation!"

Get to Know Michelle

Dream Vacation: New Zealand
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Coldstone’s Cotton Candy (no mix-ins)
Favorite Sports Team: Seattle Seahawks
Favorite Board Game: Settlers of Catan or Ticket To Ride
Favorite Book: The Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
Favorite Movie: Planet of the Apes
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 49:15-16

Serve with Michelle in BRAVE Kids

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